Hair Loss Prevention

 Hair Loss Prevention-

Hair loss is a very ordinary problem faced by the people. There is not any sure solution for this but there are many methods that are used by the people to prevent hair loss. Hair loss is a metabolic disorder where hair starts thinning, falling, or disappearing. Hair loss is more seen in men than to women. Here is some tips that can be used to reduce hair fall:
1.Indian gooseberry (amla) is the best herbal treatment that can be given to prevent hair loss. Make a paste of amla (gooseberry), reetha and sikakai and apply it on your hairs it is very effective in hair loss.
2. Onion’s juice can be rubbed on the scalp new hair will start to grow up.
3. Dandruff in the hair causes hairs fall apply lemon juice on the scalps ½ hour before hair wash to remove dandruff.
4. Take massage in the scalps with Aloe Vera gel or coconut milk keep it for ½ hours and then wash hair with warm water. It is very effective in preventing hair fall.
5. Mix honey with egg yolk massage with this mixture on the scalp keep it for ½ hour then wash. 6. Take one cup mustered oil and four-tablespoon heena (mehndi) leaves mix them properly and boil them filter it and keep it in a bottle. Massage on the scalps it will stop hair fall and will start the growth of new hair.
7. Take some herbal powder triphla mix it with aloe Vera and apply it on the scalps and hairs, continue this for a few months new hair will start growing.
8. Make a paste of five-tablespoon curd, one tablespoon lemon juice and two table spoon gram raw (chholia) powder. Apply this paste on hairs and after one and half hour wash out. It will make hair healthy and shiny.
9. The juice of fresh amaranth leaves keeps hair healthy and helps to increase them.
10. Make a paste of fenugreek seeds with water and apply on the head. Leave this mixture on the head for 40 minutes and then wash. Do it for one month you will see before washing. Continue it for a month.
11. Massage hair scalp with almond oil.

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