Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia

Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia:

Different people have different definition of Dyslexia. For some people it’s a thing, which is yet not to be understood. Dyslexia is a difficulty in the acquisition of accurate and or fluent word reading, spelling and writing that is neurological in origin. Dyslexia as a learning difficulty, which primarily affects skills involved in accurate and fluent word-reading and spelling.
1. When you see that your child has started speaking late in comparison with other child and facing difficulties in picking up early speech and language skills.
2. People affected with Dyslexia feels difficulty in learning nursery rhymes and poor sense of rhyme generally.
3. They feel difficulty in sounding out word or letter combinations and finds problems with phonemic awareness.
4. Poor spelling and reading skills relative to peers.
5. Speaks articulately and intelligently but this doesn't transfer to writing and reading.
6. Dyslexia affected people has poor academic performance relative to IQ.
7. They get numbers and letter in the wrong way round.
8. They feel confusion over left and right.
9. These people find difficulty in making essay plans and putting thoughts together coherently.
10. All dyslexics are different and therefore show different signs of dyslexia: they may have some of the traits of dyslexia but not others.

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